Monday, 14 November 2011

Research trip to museums in Oxford

Students from AS and A2 Level in Graphic Communication, as well as students from the Subsidiary Diploma in Illustration on a recent research trip to museums in Oxford. The students visited the Ashmolean, the MoMA and the Pitt Rivers Museum. All students used the trip to gather visual research and inspiration for their current projects, with the Pitt Rivers Museum being of particular interest and inspiration due to it's quirkiness and the shear overwhelming amount of pieces of 'everyday usage' that are on show.

The group attentively listening to a brief introduction to the Pitt Rivers Museum given by a member of staff from the educational team.

The group of illustration students was asked to gather research and inspiration for their own character developments, of which there was plenty in the many showcases of the Pitt Rivers Museum.

1, 2, 3....say spaghetti!

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